With the next generation of sprayer control.

Simplify the way you control, track, and manage vineyard operations. Archer delivers cost savings and reduces risk in vineyard operations by ensuring comprehensive disease management, empowering operators with intuitive tools, and providing actionable insights that drive efficiency.

How Does it Work?

Archer is an integrated software and hardware platform designed to comprehensively manage vineyard operations.

It comprises of four key components:

  1. Interface Controller
  2. Terminal
  3. Gateway
  4. Cloud Portal

Hover over or tap the icons in the illustration to learn more about each component and their role.

Interface Controller

An Interface Controller links new and existing equipment to Archer hardware, enabling automatic section control and tracking for sprayers and other implements.



The Terminal delivers precise row-level location data and job details to the operator.



The Gateway is a smart antenna that provides RTK GPS and internet connectivity for field operations.


Cloud Portal

Archer’s Cloud Portal enables vineyard job management, live progress tracking, and comprehensive reporting on all aspects of operations, including operator performance, machinery usage, and weather conditions.

Smart Features that Put You in Control

Precision GPS Mapping & Tracking

The Archer platform is built around centimetre-level RTK GPS maps and tracking technology for vineyards. This ensures precise control and enhances vineyard operations by providing exact row numbers and positions.

Auto Sectional Control

Archer’s automatic sectional control optimises chemical usage by turning sprayer sections on and off automatically at the start and end of each row. This ensures complete coverage, reduces waste, and enhances efficiency. Operators benefit from reduced workload and stress, allowing them to focus on safe and efficient manoeuvring.

Machine Sync

Archer’s Machine Sync feature allows multiple machines to work seamlessly together in the same vineyard block. It prevents missed rows and double spraying by sharing real-time spray status across all machines. This coordination ensures efficient and accurate operations, optimising resource use and improving overall productivity.

Live Weather

Archer integrates live weather data, including temperature, wind speed and rainfall, from the most relevant weather station for each block. This allows operators and managers to make informed decisions, such as ensuring compliance with local regulations around spraying in high winds, verifying the temperature window for spraying, or reworking schedules to respray specific parts of the vineyard after unexpected rain.

Exception Tagging & Job Assignment

Archer’s exception tagging feature allows operators to quickly mark issues such as broken posts, damaged plants, or irrigation leaks with the press of a button. These tags are accurately mapped and tracked, enabling efficient aggregation and job assignment to address the issues. This feature streamlines vineyard maintenance and ensures prompt resolution of problems.

Job Planning & Management

Archer’s vineyard-specific job planning and management tools streamline task assignment and tracking. Job creation is powerful, allowing managers to quickly create complex jobs and ensure important information is available in the cab for operators. Live tracking highlights key details about the fleet and individual operators, providing the flexibility to alter plans as needed to achieve the best results.


Archer offers comprehensive reporting capabilities. Managers can track application rates, coverage, and operator performance, and compare historical data to identify trends and areas for improvement. The system also supports custom APIs for customers looking to explore their data further, enabling detailed and tailored insights for optimal vineyard management.

Customer Testimonials

Gives me certainty

As a manager, knowing that each and every block is sprayed in its entirety, regardless of which operator is doing the job, gives me certainty not available before using the Archer system. The live view is also great. Being able to see what my operators are doing; speed, tank volumes, time to complete is terrific.

vineyard manager

Improves efficiency

Archer allows me to manage and purchase assets based on accurate data. By analysing spray application, travel, and fill times, I can ensure our equipment is used efficiently and that we have the right number of sprayers.

asset manager

A game-changer

Archer is truly a game-changer for operators like me. With its assistance, I can confidently spray blocks knowing that every aspect is 100% completed and within specifications. While spraying there are no missed or double sprayed rows. The best part, I’m freed from the constant need to toggle switches, allowing me to focus entirely on minimising the risk of errors and accidents.


Future proof your vineyard operations today with Archer.


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